Burnley College Students Celebrate Success with Published Game “Doing Time”

Hannah- Morgan - Game - Art

A talented team of Burnley College students studying Games Art have had their game published by a designer who used to work on the best-selling Lego games.

The students’ game, “Doing Time”, which involves time loops, puzzles and escape-based action, was developed as part of a project led by not-for-profit organisation Unseen Galaxy on the platform itch.io

The project, on which dedicated students worked after class each week, culminated in a publishing deal by a former designer from the best-selling Lego games series.

It’s just one of the multiple enrichment activities designed to take learning to the next level at Burnley College, the Number 1 College in England since 2018.*

The students had to work to a brief, themed around ‘Time Loop’, and were asked to pitch their game ideas. The team worked collaboratively, with some focusing on art, others on gameplay and others on programming the game engine – the software which runs the game behind the scenes.

The marketing and submission processes were also managed entirely by students, providing them with a 360-degree industry experience.

Chris Haythornthwaite, Programme Lead for Game Art, Esports and Media at Burnley College, expressed his pride in the students:

 “I am incredibly proud of our learners. Producing a game and getting it published is an invaluable experience that showcases their dedication and talent.

 “This achievement is a testament to their hard work and the excellent educational environment we foster at Burnley College. ”

Unseen Galaxy was established by Stephen Hey, a veteran of the gaming industry who has worked on AAA titles such as the Lego series of games. It exists to spot and develop talent and highlight the myriad of careers throughout the gaming industry, from art and programming to marketing and community management.

Discover how to turn your idea for a game into a fully finished, published product. Work alongside industry experts to sharpen your skills and forge your future.

Learn more: https://www.burnley.ac.uk/search/?st=game

*in Government national achievement rate tables for 16-18 year olds

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